5 Best Portland Beer Experiences

5 Best Portland Beer Experiences

BrewCycle For the group of friends who want an active experience Billed as “the most Portland experience,” a Brewcycle is a fifteen seat giant pedal powered trolley that travels super slow but gives the crew a good workout while riding a few blocks to close...
Traveling While Pregnant

Traveling While Pregnant

Who says you can’t travel with a baby in utero? Being pregnant does not mean you have to take 9 months off of exploring the world, it just means you may want to modify some of your activities and take necessary precautions. Since travel is an important part of my life...
10 Useful Travel Related Apps & Websites

10 Useful Travel Related Apps & Websites

Besides Mine of Course… Finding concise information in the age of Google can be intimidating- there is so much information it may seem like too much! Sometimes websites that work really well in your home country might not be used elsewhere. My criteria is based...