5 ways to get more travel in your life

5 ways to get more travel in your life

“How are you able to travel so much?” I currently work a full time job (40 hrs a week Monday-Friday office job) but I consistently field questions from co-workers, friends, family, and sometimes strangers on how I’m able to take trips as often as I...
Sightseeing in Reykjavik, Iceland

Sightseeing in Reykjavik, Iceland

What is there to do in Reykjavik, Iceland? If you are like me when I was younger, you may think of Iceland as this: There are actually no polar bears in Iceland, and the population (of people) is 323,002. The capital Reykjavik (pronounced Rey-kya-veek) houses 119,289...
Three Days in Vienna

Three Days in Vienna

Walking through old town Vienna I realized was how this was still the town of classical music as I was not expecting to see Mozart impersonators selling tickets to the Opera and hearing classics by Strauss strolling down the street. So cool! In Vienna  convenience and...
Three Days in Prague

Three Days in Prague

Prague was the place I was the most excited to visit on this whole itinerary, partially because of all the history behind it and and also because everyone I know who has been to Prague came back absolutely loving it- no middle of the road or dislikes! A brief history...
Quick City Favorites: Bologna, Italy

Quick City Favorites: Bologna, Italy

It is quite the paradox when the worlds worst meat on earth just happens to have the same name as one of the places that creates the worlds greatest food…and with that I present Bologna, Italy. We didn’t have the greatest of weather but thankfully the...