1. Bring a Variety of Entertainment

Due to technology that now allows us to use wi-fi onboard and electronic devices of our own instead of the plane-provided G rated edited movies on the screen, things have become much much easier. If you don’t have access to your electronics or want a change of scenery these are my favorite things to do:

Adult coloring books (or children ones)

Magazines this was always my favorite time to buy Cosmo, Conde Nast, Entertainment, etc. Typically I am not a tabloid reader but found plane rides a good time to catch up on current events

Puzzles (Sudoku, word search, crosswords, etc) Super old school but still loads of fun!

Books & guidebooks I use the flight time as a time to re-read before getting to a destination and refresh in my memory things I have missed.

Study the language (if applicable) My favorite app for learning some phrases in a new language is Duolingo, but you can always look in the back of guidebooks or create flashcards to keep the information in your memory banks!

2. Decompress and rest

Even if sleeping on a plane is hard for you on a long overnight flight its important to take some time to rest your eyes, meditate, etc. If you’re constantly keeping your eyes open and watching screens you will have super dry eyes by the time you arrive at your destination due to the dry air, high altitude, and lack of resting of the eyes. Remember to turn your air vent off above you to help with the dry eye issue.

If you are a plane sleeper make sure to schedule your amount of sleep with the time you will be arriving in. Some recommend to try to alter your sleep and eating schedule to match your destination a week prior. While that is not always possible, I do recommend changing your clock as you get on the flight to match where you’ll be arriving.

3. Avoid Self Medicating and Alcohol 

Alcohol is a huge contributor to jet lag as it makes you even more dehydrated than normal due to the nature of plane rides and it also interferes with your ability to sleep. The altitude also makes each drink more potent and you don’t want to be this guy that gets himself de-planed.

As much as you may want to try some Nyquil or over the counter sleep medication, I don’t recommend this unless you’re following professional medical advice. This can give you vertigo and nausea on a plane and in cases of not being able to sleep (like me) you may just be more tired and groggy when you arrive to your destination.

4. Stay Hydrated

Planes have an innate way of drying you out due to the recycled air and higher altitude. I always pack a travel kit onboard of eye drops, chapstick, moisturizer, and lotion. When the beverage cart comes by I usually order sparking water (and ask for the cans) or orange juice and then request an extra cup of regular water.

5.Stay Healthy

I used to have a bad habit of getting sick after flights, but sometimes practical advice can be the best advice. Now, I constantly wash my hands, and in the situations where I can’t wash my hands I use antibacterial soap. I also wipe down tray tables, seat, the window visor (if applicable), armchairs, and exercise caution when using menus + inflight magazines.


Delta First Class provides you with your own kit but you can also make your own

Delta First Class provides you with your own kit but you can also make your own

6. Adjust to the new time

Jet Lag is scientifically proven to be worst flying east than flying west and you can potentially deal with a change in date in addition to the time difference. To make the most of the trip I’d recommend adjusting to your new time as soon as possible and taking it easy the first couple days as you’ll likely be more tired than normal. Here is the plan I use when adjusting and it enables me to adjust immediately to the new time zone. I also am unable to sleep on planes/trains/vehicles so those who can take advantage but make sure not to sleep your whole plane ride and arrive in your new location unable to fall asleep in the evening!

Arriving in the morning:

✔ Sleep/Rest on the flight
✔ If arriving very early consider booking a room for the night before so you can sleep and shower
✔Caffeinate to stay up as long as possible

Arriving in the afternoon:

✔ Sleep/Rest on the flight
✔ Caffeinate to stay up as long as possible
✔ If necessary take a nap (under 2 hours) and then get back up and leave the hotel to walk around and/or grab dinner.
✔ Go to bed the same time as the locals but on the early side.

Arriving in the evening:

✔Avoid sleeping on the plane
✔ On the plane eat meals during the normal breakfast/lunch/dinner times of your location.
✔ Go to bed the same time as the locals


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